
Rescued Just in Time: An Elderly Dog’s Journey from Neglect to Love

At a nearby shelter, Chrissy’s heart broke when she saw an elderly dog clinging desperately to its owner’s leg, clearly sensing that something was wrong. The dog, neglected and frightened, was about to be put down. Covered in flea dirt and reeking of infection, the poor dog looked like it had been through a lot.

Chrissy, who was there to pick up pets for her rescue organization, Forgotten Now Family Rescue, couldn’t leave the dog behind. She saw something in his eyes—a will to live. Without hesitation, she decided to take him with her, naming him Seymour.


“When I touched him, he looked at me like he couldn’t believe someone would care,” Chrissy said.

At 18 years old, Seymour had lived a hard life, but Chrissy was determined to give him a second chance. She took him to the vet to see if anything could be done for the growths and tumors on his body, focusing on making him as comfortable as possible during what they thought would be his final days.


But Seymour surprised everyone. What was supposed to be a short hospice stay turned into more than a year of love and happiness. He went from being an unloved, mistreated dog to a cherished member of Chrissy’s family.

“Seymour is the best there ever was,” Chrissy said. “He’s got the kindest heart and is everyone’s best friend.”


Now, over a year later, Seymour is still going strong, and Chrissy is grateful for every moment with him. After a lifetime of hardship, Seymour finally knows what it means to be loved, and Chrissy and her family are dedicated to making every day count.

“I was there at the right moment, and our hearts were absolutely meant to be,” Chrissy said.

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